Use Generic Functions with Time Windows

tbr_misc(.tbl, x, tcolumn, unit = "years", n, func, ...)



a data frame with at least two variables; time column formatted as date, date/time and value column.


column containing the values the function is applied to.


formatted time column.


character, one of "years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds"


numeric, describing the length of the time window.


specified function


optional additional arguments passed to function func




tbr_misc(Dissolved_Oxygen, x = Average_DO, tcolumn = Date, unit = "years", n = 5, func = mean)
#> # A tibble: 236 × 9
#>    Station_ID Date       Param_Code Param_Desc         Average_DO Min_DO results
#>         <int> <date>     <chr>      <chr>                   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1      12515 2000-01-03 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       6.19   6.19    6.19
#>  2      12515 2000-03-14 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       6.7    6.7     6.73
#>  3      12517 2000-03-14 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       7.3    7.3     6.73
#>  4      12515 2000-03-16 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       6.41   6.41    6.65
#>  5      12515 2000-05-03 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       4.42   4.42    6.20
#>  6      12517 2000-06-14 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       5.74   5.74    6.13
#>  7      12515 2000-06-15 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       4.86   4.86    5.95
#>  8      12515 2000-07-11 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       4.48   4.48    5.76
#>  9      12515 2000-09-12 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       5.64   5.64    5.75
#> 10      12517 2000-10-17 00300      OXYGEN, DISSOLVED…       7.96   7.96    5.97
#> # … with 226 more rows, and 2 more variables: min_date <date>, max_date <date>