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Returns variable name and descriptions for parameters returned by echoAirGetFacilityInfo


echoAirGetMeta(verbose = FALSE)



Logical, indicating whether to provide processing and retrieval messages. Defaults to FALSE


returns a dataframe


# \donttest{
## These examples require an internet connection to run

# returns a dataframe of
#> # A tibble: 376 × 6
#>    ColumnName                DataType DataLength ColumnID ObjectName Description
#>    <chr>                     <chr>    <chr>      <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      
#>  1 AIR_NAME                  VARCHAR2 200        1        AIRName    NA         
#>  2 SOURCE_ID                 VARCHAR2 30         2        SourceID   Unique Ide…
#>  3 AIR_STREET                VARCHAR2 200        3        AIRStreet  NA         
#>  4 AIR_CITY                  VARCHAR2 100        4        AIRCity    NA         
#>  5 AIR_STATE                 CHAR     2          5        AIRState   NA         
#>  6 LOCAL_CONTROL_REGION_CODE CHAR     3          6        LocalCont… NA         
#>  7 AIR_ZIP                   VARCHAR2 10         7        AIRZip     NA         
#>  8 REGISTRY_ID               VARCHAR2 50         8        RegistryID An interna…
#>  9 AIR_COUNTY                VARCHAR2 100        9        AIRCounty  NA         
#> 10 AIR_EPA_REGION            CHAR     2          10       AIREPAReg… NA         
#> # ℹ 366 more rows
# }