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echor introduction

echor is an R package to search and download data from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Compliance and History Online (ECHO). echor uses the ECHO API to download data directly to the R as dataframes or simple features. ECHO provides information about facilities permitted to emitted air pollutants or discharge into water bodies. ECHO also provides data reported by permitted facilities as volume or concentration of pollutants during reporting time periods (typically annually for air emissions and monthly or quarterly for water discharges).

ECHO provides data for:

  • Stationary sources permitted under the Clean Air Act, including data from the National Emissions Inventory, Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, Toxics Release Inventory, and Clean Air Markets Division Acid Rain Program and Clean Air Interstate Rule.
  • Public drinking water systems permitted under the Safe Drinking Water Act, including data from the Safe Drinking Water Information System.
  • Hazardous Waste Handlers permitted under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, with data drawn from the RCRAInfo data system.
  • Facilities permitted under the Clean Water Act and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) program, including data from EPA’s ICIS-NPDES system and possibly water body information from EPA’s ATTAINS data system.

echor currently provides functions to retrieve information about permitted air dischargers, water dischargers, and public drinking water supply systems. It also provides functions to download discharge reports for permitted air and water dischargers. echor does not currently provide functionality to retrieve RCRA data.

See for information about ECHO web services and API functions.

Getting started

This vignette documents a few key functions to get started.

There are three types of functions:


Retrieve metadata from ECHO to narrow the specify data returned or lookup parameter codes.

  • echoAirGetMeta() - Returns variable name and descriptions for parameters returned in air facility queries.

  • echoSDWGetMeta() - Returns variable name and descriptions for parameters returned in public water system queries.

  • echoWaterGetMeta() - Returns variable name and descriptions for parameters returned in water discharge facility queries (e.g. facilities with an NPDES permit).

  • echoWaterGetParams() - Search parameter codes for constituent pollutants regulated under NPDES permits.

Query Facilities

Search and return facility information based on lookup parameters.

  • echoAirGetFacilityInfo() - Returns a dataframe of permitted air discharge facilities and associated information based on lookup parameters specified by the user.

  • echoSDWGetSystems() - Returns a dataframe of permitted air discharge facilities and associated information based on lookup parameters specified by the user.

  • echoWaterGetFacilityInfo() - Returns a dataframe of permitted water discharge facilities and associated information based on lookup parameters specified by the user.


Search and return discharge and emissions reports for specified facilities.

  • echoGetCAAPR() - Returns a dataframe with reported annual air emissions from permitted facilities.

  • echoGetEffluent() - Returns a dataframe with reported water effluent discharges from permitted facilities.

Sample workflows


Suppose we want to find facilities permitted under the Clean Air Act requirements.

Step 1 - Identify the information we need returned from the query:

meta <- echoAirGetMeta()
#> # A tibble: 256 × 6
#>    ColumnName                DataType DataLength ColumnID ObjectName Description
#>    <chr>                     <chr>    <chr>      <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      
#>  1 AIR_NAME                  VARCHAR2 200        1        AIRName    The name o…
#>  2 SOURCE_ID                 VARCHAR2 30         2        SourceID   Unique Ide…
#>  3 AIR_STREET                VARCHAR2 200        3        AIRStreet  The street…
#>  4 AIR_CITY                  VARCHAR2 100        4        AIRCity    The city w…
#>  5 AIR_STATE                 CHAR     2          5        AIRState   The state …
#>  6 LOCAL_CONTROL_REGION_CODE CHAR     3          6        LocalCont… Code for r…
#>  7 AIR_ZIP                   VARCHAR2 10         7        AIRZip     The five-d…
#>  8 REGISTRY_ID               VARCHAR2 50         8        RegistryID An interna…
#>  9 AIR_COUNTY                VARCHAR2 100        9        AIRCounty  The name o…
#> 10 AIR_EPA_REGION            CHAR     2          10       AIREPAReg… The EPA re…
#> # ℹ 246 more rows

The dataframe includes ColumnID, which can be included as an argument that specifies what information you want returned: qcolumns = "1,2,3,22,23"

Step 2 - Create the query. The ECHO API provides numerous arguments to search by that are not documented in this package. I recommend exploring the documentation here:!/Facilities/get_air_rest_services_get_facility_info. In this example, we will search by a geographic bounding box and specify the returned information with the qcolumns argument. Each argument should be passed to ECHO as echoAirGetFacilityInfo(parameter = "value"). echor will URL encode strings automatically. Please note that any date argument needs to be entered as “mm/dd/yyyy”.


## Retrieve information about facilities within a geographic location
df <- echoAirGetFacilityInfo(output = "df",
                             xmin = '-96.387509',
                             ymin = '30.583572',
                             xmax = '-96.281422',
                             ymax = '30.640008',
                             qcolumns = "1,2,3,22,23")
AIRName SourceID AIRStreet FacLat FacLong
AGGIE CLEANERS 06000000480416E020 111 COLLEGE MAIN 30.61869 -96.34588
ALL SEASONS 1 HR CLEANERS 06000000480416E015 2501 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH #D100 30.60704 -96.30875
BLUEBONNET PAVING TX0000004877700147 HWY. 60, WEST OF 30.61337 -96.32098
BRYAN CLEANERS & LAUNDRY 06000000480416E012 1803 HOLLEMAN DRIVE 30.61225 -96.31750
CITY OF BRYAN TX0000004804100026 1.5 MI W OF @FM 1687 & FM 2818 30.63760 -96.36235
COMET 1 HR CLEANERS 06000000480416E013 1712 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY #101 30.60616 -96.31034

Some example arguments are listed below:

p_fn  string  Facility Name Filter.
              One or more case-insesitive facility names.
              Provide multiple values as comma-delimited list
              p_fn = "Aggie Cleaners, City of Bryan, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION CAMPUS"
p_sa  string  Facility Street Address
              p_sa = "WELLBORN ROAD & UNIVERSITY DR"
p_ct  string  Facility City
              Provide a single case-insensitive city name
              p_ct = "College Station"
p_co  string  Facility County
              Provide a single county name, in combination with a state value
              provided through p_st
              p_co = "Brazos", p_st = "Texas"
p_fips  string  FIPS Code
                Single 5-character Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 
                state+county value
p_st  string  Facility State or State Equivalent Filter
              Provide one or more USPS postal abbreviations
              p_st = "TX, NC"
p_zip string  Facility 5-Digit Zip Code
              Provide one or more 5-digit postal zip codes
              p_zip = "77843, 77845"
xmin  string  Minimum longitude value in decimal degrees

ymin  string  Minimum latitude value in decimal degrees

xmax  string  Maximum longitude value in decimal degrees

ymax  string  Maximum latitude value in decimal degrees

Step 3 - Download the emission inventory report for a permitted facility:

df <- echoGetCAAPR(p_id = '110000350174')
Name SourceID Street City State Zip County Region Latitude Longitude Pollutant UnitsOfMeasure Program Year Discharge
DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC - L.V. SUTTON ELECTRIC PLANT 110000350174 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER 04 34.28332 -77.98523 1,3-Butadiene Pounds NEI 2012 NA
DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC - L.V. SUTTON ELECTRIC PLANT 110000350174 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER 04 34.28332 -77.98523 1,3-Butadiene Pounds NEI 2013 NA
DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC - L.V. SUTTON ELECTRIC PLANT 110000350174 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER 04 34.28332 -77.98523 1,3-Butadiene Pounds NEI 2014 3.26
DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC - L.V. SUTTON ELECTRIC PLANT 110000350174 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER 04 34.28332 -77.98523 1,3-Butadiene Pounds NEI 2015 NA
DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC - L.V. SUTTON ELECTRIC PLANT 110000350174 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER 04 34.28332 -77.98523 1,3-Butadiene Pounds NEI 2016 NA
DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC - L.V. SUTTON ELECTRIC PLANT 110000350174 801 SUTTON STEAM PLANT ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 NEW HANOVER 04 34.28332 -77.98523 1,3-Butadiene Pounds NEI 2017 2.33

There are only two valid arguments for echoGetCAAPR.

p_id    string  EPA Facility Registry Service's REGISTRY_ID.

p_units string  Units of measurement. Defaults is 'lbs'.
                Enter "TPWE" for toxic weighted pounds equivalents.

Water facility and discharge searches

Find facilities with NPDES permits to discharge wastewater:

df <- echoWaterGetFacilityInfo(xmin = '-96.407563', ymin = '30.554395', 
                               xmax = '-96.25947',  ymax = '30.751984', 
                               output = 'df', qcolumns = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7")
CWPName SourceID CWPStreet CWPCity CWPState CWPStateDistrict CWPZip

Again, there are a ton of possible arguments to query ECHO with. All arguments are described here:!/Facility_Information/get_cwa_rest_services_get_facility_info

Commonly used arguments are provided below:

p_fn  string  Facility Name Filter.
              One or more case-insesitive facility names.
              Provide multiple values as comma-delimited list
              p_fn = "Aggie Cleaners, City of Bryan, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION CAMPUS"
p_sa  string  Facility Street Address
              p_sa = "WELLBORN ROAD & UNIVERSITY DR"
p_ct  string  Facility City
              Provide a single case-insensitive city name
              p_ct = "College Station"
p_co  string  Facility County
              Provide a single county name, in combination with a state value
              provided through p_st
              p_co = "Brazos", p_st = "Texas"
p_fips  string  FIPS Code
                Single 5-character Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 
                state+county value
p_st  string  Facility State or State Equivalent Filter
              Provide one or more USPS postal abbreviations
              p_st = "TX, NC"
p_zip string  Facility 5-Digit Zip Code
              Provide one or more 5-digit postal zip codes
              p_zip = "77843, 77845"
xmin  string  Minimum longitude value in decimal degrees

ymin  string  Minimum latitude value in decimal degrees

xmax  string  Maximum longitude value in decimal degrees

ymax  string  Maximum latitude value in decimal degrees

p_huc string  2-,4,6-,or 8-digit watershed code.
              May contain comma-seperated values

Download discharge monitoring reports from ECHO from specified facilities:

df <- echoGetEffluent(p_id = 'tx0119407', parameter_code = '50050')
activity_id npdes_id version_nmbr perm_feature_id perm_feature_nmbr perm_feature_type_code perm_feature_type_desc limit_set_id limit_set_schedule_id limit_id limit_type_code limit_begin_date limit_end_date nmbr_of_submission parameter_code parameter_desc monitoring_location_code monitoring_location_desc stay_type_code stay_type_desc limit_value_id limit_value_type_code limit_value_type_desc limit_value_nmbr limit_unit_code limit_unit_desc standard_unit_code standard_unit_desc limit_value_standard_units statistical_base_code statistical_base_short_desc statistical_base_type_code statistical_base_type_desc limit_value_qualifier_code stay_value_nmbr dmr_event_id monitoring_period_end_date dmr_form_value_id value_type_code value_type_desc dmr_value_id dmr_value_nmbr dmr_unit_code dmr_unit_desc dmr_value_standard_units dmr_value_qualifier_code value_received_date days_late nodi_code nodi_desc exceedence_pct npdes_violation_id violation_code violation_desc rnc_detection_code rnc_detection_desc rnc_detection_date rnc_resolution_code rnc_resolution_desc rnc_resolution_date violation_severity
3600178396 TX0119407 4 3600049681 001 EXO External Outfall 3600061722 3600073706 3600437316 ENF 08/01/2015 03/01/2020 1 50050 Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1 Effluent Gross 3600678123 Q1 Quantity1 .131 03 MGD 03 MGD .131 DB DAILY AV AVG Average <= 3601380436 10/31/2019 3618540903 Q1 Quantity1 3700039682 .054 03 MGD .054 = 11/13/2019 No Violation Identified
3600178396 TX0119407 4 3600049681 001 EXO External Outfall 3600061722 3600073706 3600437316 ENF 08/01/2015 03/01/2020 1 50050 Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1 Effluent Gross 3600678122 Q2 Quantity2 03 MGD 03 MGD DD DAILY MX MAX Maximum 3601380436 10/31/2019 3618540904 Q2 Quantity2 3700039683 .0729 03 MGD .0729 = 11/13/2019 No Violation Identified
3600178396 TX0119407 4 3600049681 001 EXO External Outfall 3600061722 3600073706 3600437316 ENF 08/01/2015 03/01/2020 1 50050 Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1 Effluent Gross 3600678122 Q2 Quantity2 03 MGD 03 MGD DD DAILY MX MAX Maximum 3601380437 11/30/2019 3618540922 Q2 Quantity2 3701996434 .0729 03 MGD .0729 = 12/10/2019 No Violation Identified
3600178396 TX0119407 4 3600049681 001 EXO External Outfall 3600061722 3600073706 3600437316 ENF 08/01/2015 03/01/2020 1 50050 Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1 Effluent Gross 3600678123 Q1 Quantity1 .131 03 MGD 03 MGD .131 DB DAILY AV AVG Average <= 3601380437 11/30/2019 3618540921 Q1 Quantity1 3701996433 .0536 03 MGD .0536 = 12/10/2019 No Violation Identified
3600178396 TX0119407 4 3600049681 001 EXO External Outfall 3600061722 3600073706 3600437316 ENF 08/01/2015 03/01/2020 1 50050 Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1 Effluent Gross 3600678123 Q1 Quantity1 .131 03 MGD 03 MGD .131 DB DAILY AV AVG Average <= 3601380438 12/31/2019 3618540939 Q1 Quantity1 3703687128 .0518 03 MGD .0518 = 01/14/2020 No Violation Identified
3600178396 TX0119407 4 3600049681 001 EXO External Outfall 3600061722 3600073706 3600437316 ENF 08/01/2015 03/01/2020 1 50050 Flow, in conduit or thru treatment plant 1 Effluent Gross 3600678122 Q2 Quantity2 03 MGD 03 MGD DD DAILY MX MAX Maximum 3601380438 12/31/2019 3618540940 Q2 Quantity2 3703687129 .0806 03 MGD .0806 = 01/14/2020 No Violation Identified

This function only retrieves from a single facility per call. The following arguments are available from ECHO:

p_id            string  EPA Facility Registry Service's REGISTRY_ID.

outfall         string  Three-character code identifying the point of discharge.

parameter_code  string  Five-digit numeric code identifying the parameter.

start_date      string  Start date of interest. Must be entered as "mm/dd/yyyy"

end_date        string  End date of interest. Must be entered as "mm/dd/yyyy"

Parameters codes can be searched using echoWaterGetParams.

echoWaterGetParams(term = "Oxygen, dissolved")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   ValueCode ValueDescription                     
#>   <chr>     <chr>                                
#> 1 00300     Oxygen, dissolved [DO]               
#> 2 51646     Oxygen, dissolved [DO] maximum       
#> 3 51645     Oxygen, dissolved [DO] minimum       
#> 4 00301     Oxygen, dissolved percent saturation 
#> 5 00399     Oxygen, dissolved, % of time violated

Multiple DMRs can be downloaded using a helper function: downloadDMRs:

df <- tibble::tibble(permit = c('TX0119407', 'TX0062677'))
df <- downloadDMRs(df, idColumn = permit)
df <- df %>%
#> Rows: 2,602
#> Columns: 62
#> $ permit                      <chr> "TX0119407", "TX0119407", "TX0119407", "TX…
#> $ activity_id                 <chr> "3600178396", "3600178396", "3600178396", …
#> $ npdes_id                    <chr> "TX0119407", "TX0119407", "TX0119407", "TX…
#> $ version_nmbr                <chr> "4", "4", "4", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0", "0…
#> $ perm_feature_id             <chr> "3600049681", "3600049681", "3600049681", …
#> $ perm_feature_nmbr           <chr> "001", "001", "001", "001", "001", "001", …
#> $ perm_feature_type_code      <chr> "EXO", "EXO", "EXO", "EXO", "EXO", "EXO", …
#> $ perm_feature_type_desc      <chr> "External Outfall", "External Outfall", "E…
#> $ limit_set_id                <chr> "3600061722", "3600061722", "3600061722", …
#> $ limit_set_schedule_id       <chr> "3600073706", "3600073706", "3600073706", …
#> $ limit_id                    <chr> "3600437315", "3600437315", "3600437315", …
#> $ limit_type_code             <chr> "ENF", "ENF", "ENF", "ENF", "ENF", "ENF", …
#> $ limit_begin_date            <chr> "08/01/2015", "08/01/2015", "08/01/2015", …
#> $ limit_end_date              <chr> "03/01/2020", "03/01/2020", "03/01/2020", …
#> $ nmbr_of_submission          <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1…
#> $ parameter_code              <chr> "00300", "00300", "00300", "00300", "00300…
#> $ parameter_desc              <chr> "Oxygen, dissolved [DO]", "Oxygen, dissolv…
#> $ monitoring_location_code    <chr> "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1…
#> $ monitoring_location_desc    <chr> "Effluent Gross", "Effluent Gross", "Efflu…
#> $ stay_type_code              <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ stay_type_desc              <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ limit_value_id              <chr> "3600678121", "3600678121", "3600678121", …
#> $ limit_value_type_code       <chr> "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", …
#> $ limit_value_type_desc       <chr> "Concentration1", "Concentration1", "Conce…
#> $ limit_value_nmbr            <chr> "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4…
#> $ limit_unit_code             <chr> "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", …
#> $ limit_unit_desc             <chr> "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "m…
#> $ standard_unit_code          <chr> "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", …
#> $ standard_unit_desc          <chr> "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "m…
#> $ limit_value_standard_units  <chr> "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "4…
#> $ statistical_base_code       <chr> "MO", "MO", "MO", "MO", "MO", "MO", "MO", …
#> $ statistical_base_short_desc <chr> "MO MIN", "MO MIN", "MO MIN", "MO MIN", "M…
#> $ statistical_base_type_code  <chr> "MIN", "MIN", "MIN", "MIN", "MIN", "MIN", …
#> $ statistical_base_type_desc  <chr> "Minimum", "Minimum", "Minimum", "Minimum"…
#> $ limit_value_qualifier_code  <chr> ">=", ">=", ">=", ">=", ">=", ">=", ">=", …
#> $ stay_value_nmbr             <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ dmr_event_id                <chr> "3601380436", "3601380437", "3601380438", …
#> $ monitoring_period_end_date  <chr> "10/31/2019", "11/30/2019", "12/31/2019", …
#> $ dmr_form_value_id           <chr> "3618540894", "3618540912", "3618540930", …
#> $ value_type_code             <chr> "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", "C1", …
#> $ value_type_desc             <chr> "Concentration1", "Concentration1", "Conce…
#> $ dmr_value_id                <chr> "3700039687", "3701996443", "3703687118", …
#> $ dmr_value_nmbr              <chr> "5.36", "5.74", "6.62", "6.66", "6.55", "5…
#> $ dmr_unit_code               <chr> "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", "19", …
#> $ dmr_unit_desc               <chr> "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "mg/L", "m…
#> $ dmr_value_standard_units    <chr> "5.36", "5.74", "6.62", "6.66", "6.55", "5…
#> $ dmr_value_qualifier_code    <chr> "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=", "=…
#> $ value_received_date         <chr> "11/13/2019", "12/10/2019", "01/14/2020", …
#> $ days_late                   <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ nodi_code                   <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ nodi_desc                   <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ exceedence_pct              <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ npdes_violation_id          <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ violation_code              <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ violation_desc              <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ rnc_detection_code          <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ rnc_detection_desc          <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ rnc_detection_date          <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ rnc_resolution_code         <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ rnc_resolution_desc         <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ rnc_resolution_date         <chr> "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""…
#> $ violation_severity          <chr> "No Violation Identified", "No Violation I…