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Uses EPA ECHO API to download the Discharge Monitoring Record (DMR) of a single plant, identified with p_id. Please note that the p_id is case sensitive.


echoGetEffluent(p_id, verbose = FALSE, ...)



Character string specify the identifier for the service. Required. Case sensitive.


Logical, indicating whether to provide processing and retrieval messages. Defaults to FALSE


Further arguments passed on as query parameters sent to EPA's ECHO API. For more options see:!/Effluent_Charts/get_eff_rest_services_get_effluent_chart


Returns a dataframe.


# \donttest{
## This example requires an internet connection to run

## Retrieve single DMR for flow

echoGetEffluent(p_id = 'tx0119407', parameter_code = '50050')
#> # A tibble: 80 × 65
#>    activity_id npdes_id  version_nmbr perm_feature_id perm_feature_nmbr
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <chr>        <chr>           <chr>            
#>  1 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  2 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  3 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  4 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  5 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  6 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  7 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  8 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#>  9 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#> 10 3602064155  TX0119407 0            3600435311      001              
#> # ℹ 70 more rows
#> # ℹ 60 more variables: perm_feature_type_code <chr>,
#> #   perm_feature_type_desc <chr>, limit_set_id <chr>,
#> #   limit_set_schedule_id <chr>, limit_id <chr>, limit_season_id <chr>,
#> #   limit_type_code <chr>, limit_begin_date <chr>, limit_end_date <chr>,
#> #   nmbr_of_submission <chr>, parameter_code <chr>, parameter_desc <chr>,
#> #   monitoring_location_code <chr>, monitoring_location_desc <chr>, …
# }