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Provides interface for downloading facility information from Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Safe Drinking Water Act permitted facilities.


echoGetFacilities(program, output = "df", verbose = FALSE, ...)



Character, either program = 'caa', program = 'cwa', or program = 'sdw'. 'caa' retrieves facilities permitted under the Clean Air Act, 'cwa' retrieves facilities permitted under the Clean Water Act, and 'sdw' retrieves facilities permitted under the the Safe Drinking Water Act.


Character string specifying output format. output = 'df' for a dataframe or output = 'sf' for a simple features spatial dataframe. 'sf' only applies to CAA and CWA queries.


Logical, indicating whether to provide processing and retrieval messages. Defaults to FALSE.


Further arguments passed as query parameters in request sent to EPA ECHO's API.


dataframe or sf dataframe suitable for plotting