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Returns a dataframe or simplefeature dataframe of permitted facilities returned by the query. Uses EPA's ECHO API:


echoWaterGetFacilityInfo(output = "df", verbose = FALSE, ...)



Character string specifying output format. output = 'df' for a dataframe or output = 'sf' for a simple features spatial dataframe. See ( for more information about simple features.


Logical, indicating whether to provide processing and retrieval messages. Defaults to FALSE


Further arguments passed as query parameters in request sent to EPA ECHO's API. For more options see:!/Facility_Information/get_cwa_rest_services_get_facility_info for a complete list of parameter options. Examples provided below.


returns a dataframe or simple features dataframe


# \donttest{
## These examples require an internet connection to run

## Retrieve table of facilities by bounding box
echoWaterGetFacilityInfo(xmin = '-96.407563',
ymin = '30.554395',
xmax = '-96.25947',
ymax = '30.751984',
p_pcomp = 'POW',
output = 'df')
#> # A tibble: 0 × 26
#> # ℹ 26 variables: CWPName <chr>, SourceID <chr>, CWPStreet <chr>,
#> #   CWPCity <chr>, CWPState <chr>, CWPStateDistrict <chr>, CWPZip <chr>,
#> #   MasterExternalPermitNmbr <chr>, RegistryID <chr>, CWPCounty <chr>,
#> #   CWPEPARegion <chr>, FacDerivedHuc <chr>, CWPNAICSCodes <chr>, FacLat <dbl>,
#> #   FacLong <dbl>, CWPTotalDesignFlowNmbr <dbl>, DschToMs4 <chr>,
#> #   ExposedActivity <chr>, NPDESDataGroupsDescs <chr>,
#> #   MsgpFacilityInspctnSmmry <chr>, MsgpCorrectiveActionSmmry <chr>, …

## Retrieve a simple features dataframe by bounding box
spatialdata <- echoWaterGetFacilityInfo(xmin = '-96.407563',
ymin = '30.554395',
xmax = '-96.25947',
ymax = '30.751984',
p_pcomp = 'POW',
output = 'sf')
#> No records returned in your request

# }